Our Programs
What We Do
Education and empathy of the community are key to reaching our goal of No Strays in Armenia. We host events, such us film viewings, art sessions, and information seminars to educate the youth and foster love for the strays. With this initiative, our goal is to support the welfare of animals in need by creating a growing community of individuals that care for the strays. With the support of our dedicated community, our Advocacy efforts go a long way.
To the left is an image of students drawing the main character of The Fantastic Tale of Marona after viewing the film.
To the right is our volunteer supervised "Giving Treats to Strays" activity.
On the Ground
We know that we cannot rescue our way out of the growing stray population in Armenia. We work with our volunteers and local citizens to spay/neuter strays, as well as provide basic medical care for them while they are on the streets.